America RestoredSurepost Restored2024-11-06T01:14:02+00:00Tomi Collins Restored is an action-driven conglomeration with a mission to see our country restored to our founders original intent. News and Updates2022-04-07T16:06:25+00:00Tomi Collins Restored is an action-driven conglomeration with a mission to see our country restored to God's original intent. We are building a powerful infrastructure by coupling with existing freedom loving Americans Facts2022-04-06T22:14:33+00:00Tomi Collins surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery. Evidence Proving The DNC was not hacked by Russia means there was no grounds for FISA warrants!2022-04-06T22:00:32+00:00Tomi Collins Binney former technical director of the national security agency and vice president of America Restored sits down with Tomi Collins executive director of America Restored to discusses the over whelming amount of Forensic Evidence. Plan2021-11-13T20:26:04+00:00Tomi Collins the People unite to "Make America Great Again". Integrity Information2021-11-13T20:24:58+00:00Tomi Collins are many types of election integrity issues that we face going forward in the US. There are issues of voter fraud. Study Finds Masks Don’t Protect Wearers From COVID Infection2021-11-07T13:11:59+00:00Tomi Collins Danish Study Finds Masks Don’t Protect Wearers From COVID Infection Information2021-10-26T15:11:48+00:00Tomi Collins is a whole bunch of information and resources around Covid 19. Our goal is to provide you with the best studies and information available. Us2021-10-13T20:04:41+00:00Tomi Collins Restored brings top existing freedom loving Americans and motivated citizens together. Collectively we infiltrate every sphere of influence. We collaborate with you to create powerful action plans in your specific areas of expertise. Old Glory Patriot Ride Rally and BBQ2021-08-31T21:18:13+00:00Tomi Collins Old Glory Patriot Ride Rally and BBQ Event 23820 US 385, Hill City, SD, 10 AM, 8/8/2021 Collins From Chinese censorship to Putin's regime, ND's Legacy Fund makes objectionable investments Collins Restored PAC2021-07-29T22:16:57+00:00Tomi Collins are dedicated to ensuring that the ideals of the Founders and our core institutions are restored through public policy and elections.
Government is one core institution and sphere of influence that is necessary for the renewal and restoration. ND2021-02-25T16:07:44+00:00Tomi Collins Dakota New 20202020-12-08T03:55:40+00:00Tomi Collins New 2020 Collins to Vote2020-09-28T16:10:33+00:00Tomi Collins to vote ID Exposed: It Is Worse than You Think2019-03-12T20:16:53+00:00Tomi Collins strongly opposes the Real ID Act 2005; our reasons go beyond the reasoning of other organizations. Our primary reasons for opposing the Real ID Act are four-fold. Identification System Run by Foreigners2018-09-17T17:08:47+00:00Tomi Collins we safer today than before 9/11? It was the 9/11 Commission that said we must know a person is who they say they are before issuing the person a driver's license or other ID credentials. of November election, old voting machines stir concerns among U.S. officials2018-08-28T17:58:50+00:00Tomi Collins election officials responsible for managing more than a dozen close races this November share a fear: Outdated voting machines in their districts could undermine confidence in election results that will determine which party controls the Congress.